Progress is visible: we present our products and messages using clear, no-frills images.
Progress is visible: we present our products and messages using clear, no-frills images.


We produce cutting-edge technology. This can be clearly seen in our visual language: it is high-quality, non-frills and clearly shows what Reflex is all about. Thinking solutions, easy to install, energy-efficient, easy to use.

Which set of visuals is the right one? That depends on what is being communicated. We make a distinction between four image categories, each of which has a different function: so you will have the right image for every communication requirement.

Guiding principle

Individual products


Portfolio Segments


Overall Theme: Reflex City

Guiding principle for product communication

Reflex City is part of the global climate change effort: it is Thinking Solutions in action. And this is why we use it as the overall theme for our product communications.

The city is a reflection of how we see ourselves. We can offer products and solutions for systems of all sizes and complexities. It is impossible to imagine Reflex City without our solutions and it must therefore never be presented without our products.

Reflex City as backdrop

Applications which are product-dominated such as price lists can use Reflex City in the background. This allows us to create a link from our products to our overall theme and to present in images our message of technological leadership for every heating and cooling comfort requirement in a vast range of different buildings.


  • Use as image motif for the Reflex brand
  • Communication without product reference
  • Our overall theme should only be seen as part of the underlying product context. It may not be used as a backdrop for individual product groups.

Communication without product reference

Reflex City as a backdrop for specific product groups


Themes for our Sales Channels

After Sales & Service

When presenting our After Sales & Services (ASS) portfolio, please only use our dedicated key visuals.

Key visual for the overall ASS portfolio

The individual visuals illustrate our after sales and service capabilities and thus represent our expertise in terms of both advice and product offer. All visuals are designed with a short depth of field, drawing the viewer’s gaze to the key element in the image.

Icons are added to service visuals to help differentiate between services.
This graphic representation in the image pins the service division shown to our other ASS services. We work locally and through networks and that is precisely what is represented by our key visuals.
Further information on the ASS icons is available in the Icons chapter.

Please note: Each motif is allocated to a service division and may not be used when presenting other divisions.

Spare parts service

Commissioning service

Repair service

Training service

Maintenance service


  • Use in contexts other than ASS
  • Heavily cropped motifs to the extent that not all elements are visible

Misleading cropping, employee no longer visible

Smart City App

The Reflex Smart City App is a new self-explanatory and interactive way for users to discover Reflex City. It operates via the Reflex Augmented Reality Marker which we use to mark our products and brochures. The app is extremely sophisticated and cutting-edge. The key visual for the app is used in all communication initiatives that refer specifically to the app.

Smart City app key visual


  • Illustration as Reflex City; the two motifs may not be used together!

Smart City visual as price list title page

Project Sales

We present the Project Sales division using high-quality images of reference projects.

Project Sales key visual

Reference images


  • Use in context other than Project Sales
  • Poor quality image
  • People in the image

Poor image quality, person in the background

20 years of Servitec

A modular key visual was produced for the 20th anniversary of Servitec. This motif is used for all communication initiatives concerning 20 years of Servitec.

20 years of Servitec images

Technical Publications

Technical publications have their own set of visuals. A key design element here is the technical drawing. It supports the functional purpose of the publication and shows the process from planning to design using our solutions.

Examples of technical publication covers


  • Use of technical drawing design elements in contexts which have nothing to do with planning and design
  • Add other design elements

Complicated infographic instead of diagram in the background

Reflex Solutions

Reflex Solutions are communicated through illustrative product combinations in systems which show a typical situation. Different product configurations are available for various sizes and types of system.

Rendering reference sites


Portfolio Segments

Our products are our ambassadors. The majority of our communication is therefore product communication – either as individual products or often as a product group. The motifs illustrate the portfolio segment with typical products and are presented in B2B communication as brochure covers, in advertisements, on roll up banners, at trade fairs and on the web.


Image Content

The motifs typically show a few products which represent an entire product segment. You choose depending on the theme of your communication initiative: only one product or a combination of products.


Colour Scheme and Contrast

All motifs are presented on a neutral, grey background. The colours are saturated so watch out for extremes of colour contrast For products with grey components, we only use Reflex green (see chapter Colours).

Product motifs for different applications


The images have a matter-of-fact, neutral tone.



Product-related motifs are shown face on.


Foreground and Background

If required, you can place a product in the foreground for a more dynamic composition. Make sure all images are sharp. Keep a neutral grey for the background; if necessary, a suggestion of a horizon can be added.


Lighting Conditions

The products must be evenly lit. Make absolutely sure there are no dark shadows or overexposed areas. All shadows should be subtle and unobtrusive.


Random combination of products from different product segments, different perspectives and incorrect relative sizes.

Products may not overlap such that essential components of all products are no longer visible


Individual Products for Technical Texts

The product images shown here are only used for technical texts / explanations / USPs in, for example, price lists and data sheets. 

These product images have special features, specific to the product group. If not enough product detail is visible from a front-on view, these are shown from an angle (Servitec, Variomat, Reflexomat, Longtherm). All of our water storage tanks are shown in sections.


Image Content

The motifs illustrate a specific product – they are generally shown face on and undistorted. Please ensure the Reflex logo is visible on the product.


Colour Scheme and Contrast

A realistic colour scheme is important for us:
our products are shown as cut-outs on a white background.

1. Standard: face on

For preference, our products are shown face on. The reason for this is the proportions are more accurate.

2. Variations: perspective

We only show our products in perspective if the front-on view does not show enough detail. This is particularly the case with the following product groups: Reflexomat, Variomat, Servitec, Longtherm.

3. Special case Storatherm

Storatherm water storage tanks are always shown in section. It is difficult to make a distinction between these products if the interior is not visible.