Price list title page

All our price lists have the same cover page, worldwide. The title of the document indicates whether prices are included or not. If prices are included, we use the term Price List. If prices are not included, we use the term Product Guide.<br/> Please note the following important specific features:

  • Hole-punching
    Price lists are four-hole punched so that they can be added into our ring binder.
  • Tabs
    Our price lists are divided by tabs which separate the content into the relevant segments of our portfolio. This allows our customers and partners to find the content they need immediately.

  • Quick item search
    Our price lists have a quick item search section which allows searches to be completed by item number.

Inside pages

Product page

Products<br/> Our product information are always presented in the same order:

  1. green title box
  2. product images with dimensions and captions
  3. technical features in a box, two columns
  4. product table

Accessories<br/> To improve legibility, accessories should be illustrated in a totally different way as the products. We therefore describe accessories as follows:

  1. title with upper paragraph rule across the whole column width
  2. description using bullet points 
  3. adjacent product image or dimensions


As of 2021, price lists will be generated automatically by PIM. Templates are available for the different page types.

Theoretical principles template

Product page template

Accessory page template


Back cover

The back cover of our price lists (cover page 4) has the same design as all our brochures. Back cover.